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what to say when someone dies in islam – Condolences in Islam

According to the holy Quran, life, a path filled with brief moments of happiness and sadness, is temporary. This complex journey was designed by Almighty Allah to test the beliefs of mankind. According to Islamic beliefs, every soul will eventually taste death, and his soul will be transferred into the afterlife, leaving his human body behind.

 Following this concept of life and death in this Islam, it is important to understand how to offer your condolence messages in accordance with their religious tradition. Many phrases can be used at an Islamic funeral while respecting the semantics and complex culture of one of the oldest religions worldwide.

Paying your condolences at an Islamic funeral

While showcasing your support for your Muslim friends or colleagues who had to bid farewell to a loved one, you can say a few commonly used Islamic phrases. Some of the phrases that have been found in Hadith (the sayings of the Prophet Mohammad to help guide Muslims) include:

‘‘Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji un”

According to Last Invite, in the English language, these words translate to “we belong to Allah, and to Him we must return.” This most commonly used phrase highlights life as a short journey for a human soul before it reverts to the Almighty Allah.

 ‘‘Allah yajeal makanah fi Janat alfirdaws’’

 This phrase, which asks Allah to grant a soul a place in paradise, is a condolence message that can be used to make it easier for the people affected to process his or her loss. These words symbolize hope for the soul to reach a better place after completing their journey on this earth.

 ‘‘Rabuna ufrigh ealayna sabrab”

 This short condolence message asks the Almighty Allah to provide patience to the loved ones of the dead. This phrase can be used to help showcase your support for the family in this despondent situation.

 ‘‘Mala Allah qulubuhum biel sakinat waltumanina”

 This phrase, which can be translated as May Allah fill your heart with tranquility and calmness, is a heartfelt way to bolster the spirits of the grieving family. This Islamic phrase signifies the quaintness that will follow after accepting and battling the intricate stages of losing someone you love.

 In essence, these are some of the phrases that can be used to show respect for the dead and show your support for the family per Islamic traditions. Intriguingly, amid the departure of the soul, many burial rituals are also followed in this religion. These rituals are followed in accordance with Sharia, the laws provided by the holy books of Islam.

All you need to know about the Islamic funeral rituals

 After the death of a person following Islam, his or her head is tilted in the direction of the Kaaba, the holiest Mosque in Islam located in Mecca. It is also made sure the believer’s eyes and mouth are closed and the body is in a straight position. It is advised in Islam to start the burial process as soon as the death is declared.

 Following this, the body is unclothed and bathed three times (while private parts are covered with a cloth) by same-sex family members. The body is advised to be cleaned starting from the upper right side and then covered with a three-piece white cloth known as Kafan. Once the draping process is complete, no one is allowed to see the face of the deceased. At this time, a prayer meeting invitation is usually announced in the mosque to let people know that burial time is near. Then the funeral prayers, Ṣalāt al-Janāzah, begin to ask pardon for the dead. This prayer is led by an imam (Islamic leader). All the people participating in the funeral face toward the holy mosque and recite the funeral prayer.

 After the completion of the prayer, the body is taken straight to the burial place, where women are not permitted. The grave is dug in such a way that the head of the deceased should face the holy Mecca. The body is laid to rest, covered with some soil, and marked with a small stone. No decorations or designs are acknowledged to be done on that stone.

 The bereavement period, according to Islamic law, usually lasts for 3 days. During this period, all the friends, relatives, and other members of the community pay a visit to the grieving family to exchange words of condolence. The wife of the deceased mourns in their home for four months and ten days, as advised in the Quran.

Apart from learning and understanding the meaning behind these phrases, one has to also appreciate the significance of the religion’s connection with the afterlife. Between these phrases, one must also showcase a real sense of empathy towards the grieving family and a true form of respect for the dead.

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